PT. Suzuki Indomobil Motor
Nature of Business :
Manufacturer, assembler and sales of cars and motorcycles and sales of outboard engines and generators.
Jl. Diponegoro Km 38.2, Tambun
Bekasi 17510, Indonesia
Tel: (62-21) 8801251, 8807370 (Direct)
Fax: (62-21) 8807401
An opportunity for you to join our company with the following requirements:
- male or female
- education: -Male, SMK (Technical Engineering, Technical Electrical, Automotive Technical, Technical Computer Network) or SMU (IPA) -Women, high school or equivalent (must be able to sew / must have a Certificate of Sewing)
- Maximum age 23 years for men and 22 years for women
- No glasses and no color blindness
- Name, place and date of birth between Birth Certificate, Diploma & ID MUST SAME, if not the same be deemed ineligible Administration.
- For those applications that meet the requirements, then we call
- In the Operator Employee Recruiting, Recruiting Self SUZUKI SUZUKI means NOT COOPERATE WITH ANY PARTY,
If you are interested and meet kareteria please dateng directly to the address above or send via post
Staff Recruitment
Jl.P.Diponegoro KM 38.2 Tambun - Bekasi 17510